What is "Eyes With Pride"
"Eyes with Pride" originated with George N. Parks, the founder of of the George N. Parks Drum Major Academy, known by its graduates as DMA. Mr. Parks was an icon in the marching world, having influenced and taught generations of drum majors and student leaders. George passed away in September of 2010, leaving behind a legacy of inspiration and "starred" thoughts. (Read more in this ARTICLE.) He is well known for his credo, "Eyes with Pride!", a call and response chant that reminds students of their posture, but more importantly instills a sense of pride that can be seen through the look in every members eyes.
"Eyes with Pride" originated with George N. Parks, the founder of of the George N. Parks Drum Major Academy, known by its graduates as DMA. Mr. Parks was an icon in the marching world, having influenced and taught generations of drum majors and student leaders. George passed away in September of 2010, leaving behind a legacy of inspiration and "starred" thoughts. (Read more in this ARTICLE.) He is well known for his credo, "Eyes with Pride!", a call and response chant that reminds students of their posture, but more importantly instills a sense of pride that can be seen through the look in every members eyes.